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What is PBIS?

What is PBIS?


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework or approach for helping schools select and organize evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.

PBIS is NOT a packaged curriculum, intervention or manual.

PBIS is a prevention-oriented way for schools to:

  • Organize evidence-based practices

  • Improve use of evidence-based practices

  • Maximize academic and social behavior outcomes for students

PBIS supports the success of ALL students.

PBIS is known as SWPBS, which is short for “School-wide Positive Behavior Supports.”

PBIS is based on principles of applied behavior analysis and the prevention approach, along with the values of positive behavior support.

The underlying theme is to teach behavioral expectations in the same way as we teach academic subjects.

(Definition provided by


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